Isabell Kraemer - Contiguous set-in Sleeve

Seminário de Vilar, Porto.

Please bring this e-ticket with you to the festival and present it at check-in.

The e-ticket will be exchange for a bracelet that validates your entry.

Only the first presentation of this e-ticket will be considered valid.

The wear of the bracelet is mandatory during the festival.

For more information please check the Terms and Conditions in the website of the festival.

Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
WORKSHOP €75.00 (€75.00)

More information about Isabell Kraemer - Contiguous set-in Sleeve tickets

Description: The contiguous method was developed by Susie Myers and is a way of knitting the shoulders and sleeve caps of a garment simultaneously from the top down.

Various sample garments for reference will be available in class.

After a brief overview on the contiguous set-in sleeve sweater construction, we will dive deeper into the techniques involved and will identify the spots where, why and how adjustments and modifications could be made. What to do if gauge differs, how and where to change the pattern for a better fit or to our liking.

WS level: intermediate (knitting in the round, basic increases)

Materials to bring: Notebook and pen, calculator (or mobile phone), circular needles of 3,5 mm to 4 mm.

The yarn that you will work in the workshop will be gifted by one of the sponsors of the festival.

Homework: No

Language: English