Penso No Dedo E No Cosmos Tickets and Dates

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More Information about Penso No Dedo E No Cosmos

Five people with a family link and as a landscape ... the Universe.

This family acts with smallness and thinks that these acts are inconsequential... In the course of the night we will see how deep the marks of these aggressions really are... How many dressings will be needed to heal these wounds? Their unhealthy existence does not allow them to see how they cannot cook a barbecue without breaking some Supernovas... But you already noticed, right?... The stars are complicit in their aggressions.

Cast and Crew List:

From Além as Estrelas são a nossa Casa
Text Abel Neves
Direction by Matilde Jalles and Mauro Hermínio
Acting Carlos Catalão, Catarina Secca e Cruz, Maria Toureiro, Pedro Emauz and Sonja Valentina
Light and Sound Design Matilde Jalles and Mauro Hermínio
Set and Costume Design Matilde Jalles and Mauro Hermínio
With support of Sociedade Instrução Guilherme Cossoul, Espaço Zero, Hangar and Teatro da Garagem
Acknowledgment Abel Neves

Host by Teatro da Garagem
With support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, EGEAC, Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior
Financed by Direção-Geral das Artes, Governo de Portugal | Ministério da Cultura

More information:

+351 218854190 | +351 924213570